List of countries and territories from which lead applicants and co-applicants are eligible.

List of eligible countries and territories

Download an empty version of the ‘proposed action’ part of the application form in a Word document. This can be used in case you prefer to include additional images or figures.

Application form

Find here a word and pdf version of the ‘Declaration by Applicant’ that has to accompany each application and needs to be signed by each lead-applicant and all co-applicants.

Declaration by Applicant

Declaration by Applicant in word

Step 2: Documents for Grant Recipients

Approved for a grant from Connect for Global Change? Congratulations! The following documents are relevant for managing your grant.

If you are selected to receive a grant you will sign a contract with the Connect for Global Change partner in your country. Roughly this contract will be similar to the example that you find here

If you work as a group of applicants together on the implementation of a project it is needed and expected that you formalise your relations through a cooperation agreement. Connect for Global Change does not provide you with a required format for such an agreement, but we provide you here with a suggestion of which items should be included to organise your cooperation.

Contents of a Cooperation Agreement

Download here the Logos to be used for publications related to your grant.

Connect for Global Change logo + EU logo

Here is an example of the single tender report that is needed for each expenditure of more than € 2.500.

If you would like to change your Action or would like to change your budget you should use the form you find here.
Request for Adjustments & Budget Revision